Simple ingredients.

Simply Natural.

Simply you.”


After total frustration with chemical treatment damage with my own hair, (dealing with split ends, stagnant growth, breakage, and severe heat tools styling damage for a long time), I made a decision to completely change the way I cared for myself. I embarked on a holistic journey. This journey prompted extensive research about the haircare, skincare, and cosmetics industry. I collected all the hair products in my bathroom, and searched the ingredients for side effects. What I found was horrific!

The ingredients in these popular products were considered carcinogens, and could have permanent damaging effects not only to your hair, but to your health. I then started experimenting with homemade natural ingredients hair/facial homemade treatments. I was determined to find natural alternatives to damaging silicone derived conditioners, keratins that contained formaldehyde and lye containing relaxers. I refused to use chemical containing products for skincare, haircare, or cosmetics anymore.

After experimenting with natural ingredients such as: Pure manuka honey, pure aloe jelly, cacao extract, caviar extract, and pumpkin on my skin, I saw great results.

It then clicked, and my beauty epiphany happened. Why not include these in my beauty regimen?

I immediately noticed the difference. I continued to try different ingredients such as: Figs, Yucca extract, and even fermented rice water. I mixed all of these ingredients and reluctantly applied this mix to my hair. I noticed the difference immediately! Excited about the results, I then consulted a natural cosmetic chemist to balance out my formula. Viola, my new beauty routine appeared !

Most of the Natural Kerr star ingredients are commonly used in Dominican homemade haircare recipes. Who would have thought that going back to my cultural roots would be the way to solve all my unruly hair problems? After six months of faithfully using authentic Dominican natural hair treatments, it shows. My hair & skin are healthy, head full of luster, glossy shiny skin, and my hair continues to grow. I thought, why not share it with the masses, as we are all searching for beauty solutions, and these issues are all too common. I then had others try our products and give us feedback. I was not surprised to learn that they felt the same way I did about their hair/skin. They loved the results as well. This is how Natural Kerr was born.

Are you searching for Haircare & Skincare solutions yourself? Try Natural Kerr.